Just so you know, Aimee, this post is for you :)
To defend myself briefly, I've been researching a few links online and bookmarking them in preparation for blogging. I just haven't gotten around to it until now.
Frickin bugs...
I have decided that my only complaint about living in the south, so far, is the bugs. They are much more abundant and significantly larger down here. Let me list my grievances:
Fire ants: I woke up this morning with a toe that was burning and itching. As of this afternoon, we've moved into the blistery, leaky, itching, burning phase. That's all from one ant bite. Imagine if I'd stepped onto the ant hill, (which is right under our table and chairs out back, by the way). Actually, I read about the little turds earlier, and it turns out that they are in the same family of insects as the WASP. wtf? They anchor themselves onto a person or animal and then sting 7-8 times. That's just one! No wonder fire-ant-killer is a common staple in stores here.
Spiders: I kill (on average) 1-2 spiders in the house per week. Big ones. We're not talking little guys. Although, as of yet, I've not encountered any so-big-you-pee-a-little sized arachnids. I still shudder when I think of that one you encountered, Danielle. UGH.
Moths: And speaking of you, Danielle, I seem to remember you having a fear of moths and such? I wonder how large they get in Australia, because down here in the bayou, they are crazy big. A few weeks back, Jim and I heard something hitting the window that we thought was rain, and it was this guy. He's just part of a whole strain of giant moths that hang out down here. He was the size of a small bat. No. Freaking. Kidding. Appropriately, we dubbed him Mothra.
Dragonflies: These guys really don't bother me much, surprisingly. They're pretty harmless, and if they come at me, I just swipe them away. They don't sting or bite, that I know of. There's just a bunch of them around.
Lovebugs: There are a ton of these everywhere. I'm not sure why. They look a little like fire-flies, but they fly around in pairs, literally attached to each other. They are really dumb and slow and fly right into my face a lot.
Wicki PAY de uh
I have become an avid user of Wikipedia as of late. Since Jim is gone a lot for work and travel, and Eli cannot really have deep conversation yet, I find myself looking up anything and everything online. Books, tv shows, characters from tv shows, actors, religions, movies, bugs, plants, symptoms to strange diseases... I'm basically stimulating my brain with miscellaneous stuff. But you never know, it could come in handy. I might go on Jeopardy someday.
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