
Sunday, October 26, 2008

I have never, in my whole life, boiled a pot of water dry.  Never.  Tonight, I did that very thing-not once

but twice.

Yeah.  I'm a little concerned too.

Monday, October 06, 2008


It's been a while since I posted.  So here I go.  For anybody who doesn't yet know, Jim lost his job about 6 weeks ago.  It's actually turned out to be a huge blessing; he really hated that job.  And he was working all the time-even into the evenings.  The stress of that along with me having a part time photo business and working a couple nights at the store was really getting to us.  By him losing his job, he not only got out of the job he didn't like, but ultimately means I will not work and get to be a stay at home mom like I've always wanted.  The process of getting there has been interesting, to say the least.  

At first, in order to have income to pay the bills, I went back to work full time at the store.  It was OK, and actually gave Jim and Eli some bonding time that they normally would not have had.  They are a lot closer now.  I worked full time until Jim accepted a new job with a company based down south.  We went down to visit and really liked the community, the people, and even found the perfect house.  We will be moving to Louisiana as soon as our house sells, which hopefully will be soon.  Our realtor seemed pretty confidant, so that's good.  I'm done at the bookstore now, and also sold my car in order to give us a little cushion until Jim is getting paychecks again.  He starts this Thursday.  They actually told him that they prefer he work from home at first; he worked it out with them that he could stay in Lafayette for a least a couple months; hopefully we'll be moving a lot sooner than that.  I'm also done with photography gigs for the year.  That timing worked out well...

So now we're in the keeping-the-house-as-clean-as-possible-all-the-time phase, in case our realtor calls about a showing.  It's not nearly as hard as we thought it would be.  It helps that I'm home full time now.  I can tidy up  every day when Eli is napping or playing.  So far, so good.

The reality of moving far away hasn't completely hit me yet, but I'm sure it will happen.  Mom was in the hospital recently for almost two weeks with a serious case of pneumonia; she's fully recovered now-praise God!!  But that whole time was difficult.  It may sound silly, but my biggest concern about being gone is making sure my parents are well taken care of.  I guess maybe one good thing that came out of mom being in the hospital was that my brother stepped up big time to help them and now I feel a little better about leaving.  I know he will help out.

God is taking care of us in this season.  We know He is and we see Him in every little detail that falls into place.  It's amazing how, even with strong faith, it's hard for me to just let go and trust that God, who has been perfectly faithful up to this point, will finish what He has started.  

I think once we sell the house, move, and get settled into our new community, I will breathe a sigh of relief.

Until then, there's always soda.