
Saturday, November 25, 2006

Paradigm shift.
I'm completely losing interest in the internet. I get online to read my friends' blogs, but other than that, nothing seems to intrigue me.

You know what I LOVE to do nowadays? Actually see my friends. And if that's not possible, actually talk to them on the phone. Or even send cards. Something I put effort into.

It just seems like everything today has to be faster, cheaper, and take less time.

I think that when it's all said and done, people will remember a lot more of the things others did for them that weren't convienient.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I thought I wanted a career. Turns out all I really wanted was a paycheck.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

This is getting to be embarrasing.
So yesterday morning I decided to go to chick-fil-a for breakfast. I do this quite often, mainly because I get a lot of coupons and I love their food. The opening manager's name is Ryan, and needless to say, he knows Jim and I by name. And our occupations. And how long we've been together. Moving on...

So as I'm pulling up to the menu, I rolled my window down only to hear Ryan's voice coming out of the speaker, "Please pull forward...Please pull forward" in monotone. I was laughing by the time I actually pulled up completely to the speaker. He then said, "Whattya gettin?" For anyone who has been there, you know that is NOT how they greet people. So I laughed some more and then said, "You can probably guess."
"Hmm...a cinnamon cluster and medium coke, right?".
"You know the total. Please pull forward".
And I did. $2.84. As usual.

Then lunch rolled around. I had thought that Jim could bring me something from his house, but he couldn't get freed up at work. So I was left with no choice. I had no money and a coupon for a free sandwich from...chick-fil-a... I looked at the clock, and it was well past 2:30. I didn't want to risk being served by the same crew. I thought for sure that Ryan would be gone, but as I pulled up to the window to get my food, he was a the counter a few feet away from the drive-up window. POOP. I handed the girl my coupon and then waited for my food. I had to wait a few minutes, and I spent those few minutes trying desperately not to be noticed. I even went so far as to turn my face away from the window until I heard it open...

Guess who was standing at the window holding my food hostage. Mmm hmm. He just smiled and said, "Did you ever leave?" I vaguely remember my face turning seven shades of red.

So go on, people. Make fun of me. I can take it. We all know that I am destined to end up on Dr. Phil, whining and complaining that I'm "not strong enough to fight the addiction".

Shut up and send me some more coupons.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I don't know how I'm supposed to feel about
this story...