January 1st: Celebrated New Years in Tennesee with Allison, Aaron, Josh and Andrea
March 8th: Got engaged
June 1st: Got married
June 2nd: Left for honeymoon in Jamaica, and got my first stamp in my passport!
June 16th: Partied at the big reception
June 20-somethingth: Got pregnant
July 14th-ish: Took home pregnancy test; found out we were pregnant
July 18th: Blood test confirmed we were pregnant
July 19th: Practically deafened by mother-in-law's scream when we told her we were pregnant
July 21st: Master's reunion-mucho fun!
August 18th-19th: Drove to a race in Ohio that got rained out and ran out of gas twice
August somethingth: Had 10-year high-school reunion. It was boring.
September: Fred the spider came into our lives.
October: Nurtured/took care of Fred for most of the month due to pregnancy-induced psychosis.
November: Lost Jim to the light show prep for most of this month; belly started showing
November 22nd: Hosted Thanksgiving at our place. No comment...(Aimee was there...)
December 3rd: Light show up and running for the first night
December 15th: Puppies got out for 19 hours and we spent the day in Hell
December 24th-25th: Had Christmas with both families and survived
New Years Eve this year is going to be WONderful. But I'm not saying why...
In other news...
I prefer my toilet paper to go over and shoelaces to be laced under. How about you?