My ring...eee!
It's a round solitare, 3/4 carat, white gold, with a platinum setting.
It's exactly what I've always wanted.
Time to VentGrowing up, I had terrible posture. Horrible, even. But as I've grown up and become more aware of it, I've tried to improve. But it takes time. NO ONE who has grown up with good posture can relate to this process. It is emotionally very hard, especially because of being teased all through school. And we're not talking light teasing. We're talking hard-core drama-whole-class-involved-laughing-and-pointing cruelty. I'm not stupid, I know it's not good to slouch. But understand this-it's not a conscious thing. When you've had a habit your whole life, it takes time to get over it. I've bought the posture-aides. I've worn things that hurt me physically more than help me. I've cried. I've begged God to "fix me". It just takes time.I have improved immensly since grade school. MOST of the time, my posture is good. Why can't people acknowledge that instead of the times when I slip back into my old habits?Why can't people (in general) love others how they are, instead of trying to change them? If my bad posture makes you so uncomfortable that you have to say something, it's your problem, not mine.Is it too much to ask that people not feel the need to correct me by:-physically pulling my shoulders back -verbally pointing out my bad posture to everyone-or (God forbid) poking my stomach?My God! Do people really not realize how degrading and embarrasing that is?God has given me some incredible friends. Those closest to me know that I'm trying really hard. I'm thankful for all of you. You know how to love me.Okay, I'm done venting now. Anyone who reads this, do me a favor-no pity-filled comments, please. I don't want anyone's pity. I just want respect and the benefit of the doubt.
It just keeps getting better...This morning when I got up and went to the bathroom, I looked in the mirror and noticed two lines on my neck, below my chin. Being the feline that I am, I licked my hand and tried to rub them off. But I couldn't. Why? Because they are veins. VEINS. Showing. In my neck. So now I have 28-year-old's neck-veins and my printer will only talk to me in Dutch. Life is great.
My life, as of today.So I've received calls now from 8 different brides. I've met with two. I have yet to book anything, but I have another meeting today, and another tomorrow. We'll see what happens! I'm just excited to be getting out there and DOING it.I'm cleaning Jim's house today. I actually really enjoy cleaning his place. Jim said he was going to go into his music room and get it cleaned and organized. About 10 minutes into him being in there, I started hearing his electric guitar. Mmm hmm. Cleaning. Right.I'm really frustrated with Jim's printer. First of all, every time I unhook it from the laptop, I have to un-install and then re-install it to get it to work again. There might be a faster way to do this, but I wouldn't know, since all of the instructions are in DUTCH. That's right, DUTCH. Why? I have no idea. All I know is that when I've un-installed and then re-installed it, there is no language option. And God only knows where it is in the menus. Ironically, I would have to know Dutch in order to find it.*sigh*