My brother is cool.This is why-I am scheduled to kill my contract with SucksPCS in a couple weeks, and I was planning on getting a trac phone for my momma to reach me in emergencies, and he just heard me telling my mom and gave me one. Yesssss. I am going to give him some money for it, but it won't cost me full price and all I have to do is order minutes online now. ShwEet.I am going to be saving so much money.God is good.
Sleepover...It's been so long. But it's me and my Adjiwan tonight. I foresee much movie-watching, sketching, and coke-drinking. Oh yeah...Warning: emotional momentI just have to say something. I am so incredibly in love with Jim. He's the most amazing man I have ever known. Being with the man that God has brought into my life makes anything I've attempted in my past looks foolish. I honestly don't think I deserve him. Which makes me even more thankful for every moment God allows me to share with him. Ok, I'm done. Well, not really. I could go on for a long time, but I won't.One more thingI am down in weight to 147. My goal is 140. I started out at 165. So close...I have a feeling these last 7 pounds are going to be a b****. We'll see. If and when I make my goal, my reward is new jeans (via Jim). Quite the motivation for a girl who never buys/can afford new clothes...well, I'm off to party with Mrs. O'Maley...
Mucho hotnessIt's insanely warm outside. I am currently hiding inside the house (a.k.a. air conditioning).Jim is off to Colorado until Wednesday. For his job. Again. And now for a very important announcement:HAPPY 25TH BIRTHDAY ALLISON!!!!!!!!!!Other than that, I don't really have much to say today; I just felt like blogging.Blaaaaahg.
WHOA.[disclaimer: this post has a PG-13 rating]So yesterday evening I met Jim at his house for a trip to Walmart (woot!) and then to watch CSI. He says, "hey, I have something to show you that I found". Ok. Cool. Well, apparently yesterday morning he was closing the front of his entertainment center (that was left there by the previous owners-Jim inherited that in addition to 3 or 4 other pieces of furniture) when he noticed paper or something in the crevice where the door slides in when it's open. He reached back and found the CD insert to some Yiddish musical of some sort. Ok. Cool. Then he says, "but that's not all - then I found this" and pulls out a DVD. The title was "Hot new up and cumming 5". That's right, kiddies. Jim inherited porn. Greeeaaaat. And the fifth in the series, no less. Oh yeah.Yikes.The previous owners of the house were a retired couple named Harley and Herta. Harley and Herta liked porn.So on a totally unrelated subject, I found my old Wheel of Fortune/Jeopardy 3.5 floppy this morning. It was originally for my Tandy 1000 computer. Yes, I am that old. But it used to run on our last computer that had Windows - it is IBM compatible. Is there any way I can make it work? It totally pixelates beyond anything distinguishable on this laptop. I went to properties and compatibility but the oldest version I could run it from was Windows 95. I think the last computer it ran on had Windows 3.1. Maybe I should give up-but it's so much fun! Can anyone help me?
BMV hellSo I noticed last Thursday that my plates were going to expire Friday. Since I was leaving to go to Wisconsin for the weekend and had to work yesterday, I had to go to the lovely BMV today, on my day off. I got there around 11:00-ish. When I finally reached the counter to get my number, it was 40. Not bad. Until I noticed that the "now serving" sign on the wall said 85. Suck. I was past the rollover. Needless to say, after my number was finally called, I paid my $127.75 for the tiny little plate sticker and was on my merry way - at 12:45. I am not, nor will I ever be, a hot-weather-person.This is what I re-discovered at Road America this past weekend. Beyond that, it was a very good time. I really enjoyed myself. [For those who don't know, Road America is just like Cornerstone, but instead of camping and bands and shows, it's camping and cars and races.] My favorite part was after racing/practices were done for the day (shortly after 5) and we would all go back and grill and eat and play games and talk and relax well into the night. Good times...When ya gotta go...The facilities were really nice for a campground. The showers were private enclosed rooms which, on one hand lacked water pressure, but on the other did not smell like rotten eggs. The restrooms were even well maintained. Which brings me to my next topic...The Poop-NaziApparently the way that they kept these bathrooms maintained so well was to have this lady, who I lovingly refer to as the Poop-Nazi, in there ALL FREAKING DAY every day of every event. She just sat in there. Listening. Or at least that's how it felt. Anyone who has read my previous blog knows that I have...well...issues. I poo a lot. And it's not quiet. But that's life. Mine, specifically. Usually I am lucky enough to find an empty restroom in which to have these issues, but with a woman just sitting there all day...yeah...not cool. But I got over it. With my body, being shy just wasn't an option past the first few Danielle and AimeeAddicted? Lemme help.In reviewCan I just say that I'm having a really really great summer? I am. Not as much pool-whoring going on as I'd like, but we're going to remedy that, right friends?
Happy birthday(s) daddy!!Tomorrow (Thursday) and Friday are my daddy's 68th birthday (long story). I love you daddy!!!! I hope your days are amazing :)I've decided to go ahead and break my contract with Sprint. Good riddance, SucksPCS.Time for a road trip...again...Jim and I are off to Road America in Wisconsin tomorrow after I get off of work. We'll be back early Monday. Until then...
So...It's decision time. I'm seriously considering breaking my cell phone contract. And not getting another one. It would be an extra 60 bucks a month or so that I could really use, seeing as how I'm part-timing it now. I mean, I hate Sprint, but besides that I really think it would be a wise move on my part. Basically I'm either at home, work, or with Jim. That's pretty much it. It wouldn't be very dificult to find me...What do you guys think?
You people...Just so everyone understands, I now work at a job withOUT internet access. Henceforth, since the majority of my blogging was done there, I am not able to blog as frequently as before. Excuse? No. Reality? Yes. So stop saying this blog is dying. WeedingSo when Jim and I were working in his new back yard, we discovered what I was SURE was hemp. I even bet him I was so sure. I lost. Dang it.To whom it may concern:Danielle, you have to tell me your secrets when it comes to blogging. You link the most interesting things...Allison and Aaron, I will pray for your safety and hope you have an amazing honeymoon. I can't wait to have another sleepover! Woot!Allison/Aimee/Amy, I am clumsy too. I do that running into doorways thing way too often...Aimee, I love the new picture on your lj. And I expect a lot more pool-whoring...I'm sure Shiloh will be happy to join us again.Amy and Trevor, I love that you guys post pics of Kalli so often! I check all the time. It's so great to look at the old pics and see how much she's changed.Steve, have fun in Wisonsin. Jim and I are going there next weekend for Road America. I am a car-chic in the making.Hmm..let's see...I think that's it for now. But maybe I'll post again tomorrow...